Introduction and Daily Route Links

Follow the progress of our team of 4 cyclists: Alastair Lefley, Paul Forshaw, Tom Forshaw and Wallace Ascham.

Day 0 - 17 June Day 1 - 18 June Day 2 - 19 June Day 3 - 20 June Day 4 - 21 June Day 5 - 22 June Day 6 - 23 June Day 7 - 24 June Day 8 - 25 June Day 9 - 26 June Day 10 - 27 June Day 11 - 28 June

Friday 17 June 2011

Land's End

After a drive down through the rain, we finally arrived at Land's End. Although the sun did shine, it was very windy and cold under the sign post.
We enjoyed a pleasant easy ride back to Penzance with a fair wind on our backs.

Didn't get a pasty, but did find a traditional fish'n'chip shop down near the seafront.

But, tomorrow it gets really serious...


  1. Well done lads. Nice photos! I am testing the Mars bars that I bought for you...hmm they seem OK. Lets hope you get fair following wind and I'll see you up North next Wed. Mike

  2. Mornin all. Pretty cr@p weather here but I hope your wind is in the right direction as they say!
    I have tried to use the justgiving stuff and made my first page. But when I use the join team link on the team page I log in OK and it then goes nowhere. Any clues how Fixit Jiml? Keep up the good pedalling. BFN Mike

    Nice BLOG will try to get more folks looking at it.

  3. Hope it went OK today.

    At least the wind was behind you.
    Maybe you should have hoisted a sail
    to take advantage of the following wind.

    David and Brenda

  4. Nice start to ease you into it boys. Here's hoping you get the worst of the weather on the easy Southern parts cos God (& Alastair) knows that Scottish wind can cut through ye like a knife! Anyway, that's all ahead to look forward to ;)
    Keep powering along & rest when ye can - looking forward to further updates, take care, Aaron.
