Introduction and Daily Route Links

Follow the progress of our team of 4 cyclists: Alastair Lefley, Paul Forshaw, Tom Forshaw and Wallace Ascham.

Day 0 - 17 June Day 1 - 18 June Day 2 - 19 June Day 3 - 20 June Day 4 - 21 June Day 5 - 22 June Day 6 - 23 June Day 7 - 24 June Day 8 - 25 June Day 9 - 26 June Day 10 - 27 June Day 11 - 28 June

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Arrived John O'Groats

We finally arrived at John O'Groats last night.

The signpost had had its signs taken down for the evening. (Just in case anyone were to take photos of it without paying the fee.) So, we took photos of the empty signpost, and one or two others.

John O'Groats, to be polite, is not a very exciting place - it is run down. So, we did the pictures of an empty pole.

The morning yesterday started with beautiful warm sunshine which we enjoyed for the gentle journey past Altanaharra and down the very pretty Naver valley. But then we had two or three hours of strongish headwind along the north coast. Thankfully by Thurso the wind had subsided for the final push of 20 miles to John O'Groats.

While driving back from John O'Groats to Thurso we were lucky to see the most wonderful sunset, at 10:20pm, as the sun descended almost North into the Pentland Firth. Fantastic! It is quite different to see the sun descending into the far northern sky.

It is worth briefly mentioning the bikes. We have all cycled 1015 miles. On the combined 4060 miles of riding we had ONE puncture, ONE broken spoke, a pedal crank which fell off but was then easily reattached. There were no other bike problems.

On my bike, the only maintainence I gave it was:
  • a clean of the chain twice,
  • a daily pump of the tyre,
  • a tighten of the break cables (as the blocks have worn down a bit).
And that maintainence was enough to get me there. (I do probably need to service it when I get home though.)

Today we have a very long drive home. Google tells us it is 11+ hours of driving! We just had a great breakfast, are about to pack the car, and then we're off.

More heroines and heros

One of the best bits of our trip has to be the wonderfully generous and warm hearted people we met each and every day.
So on our last day a big thanks to:

Terry and Laila at the Kyleakin Hostel. Thanks for that free brekka and all the chat.
Staff at the Lairg Highland Hotel.. they made soup and sandwiches and then bowls of chips when we arrived at 9:30 pm. Thanks Coleen for the big breakfast.
The Cafe at Bettyhill. A great lunchstop and mega scones.
Lisa and Co at the Pentland Lodge House at Thurso...we even had Will & Kate's champagne glasses to supplement our Indian with a champagne toast...truely great.

To all those we might not have remembered to know. Thanks for such lovely hospitality.. BFN...time for that 11 hours on the road return.


From the Driving team

Guys we salute you.

Paul,Tom,Wallace and Alastair you started together; you rode together and you finished together.

Thos of us who were lucky enouhto come with you driving Miss Barbara had a load of laughs and a fun time. Martin ( you know who you are) thanks a million for facilitating Mitsubishi UK loaning us our "Official Vehicle" Simply put it was great. Comfortable, very capable and fun to drive too.
It took all our kit and was the mothership to the team.

In a word Brill.

Job Done...what a team.