Introduction and Daily Route Links

Follow the progress of our team of 4 cyclists: Alastair Lefley, Paul Forshaw, Tom Forshaw and Wallace Ascham.

Day 0 - 17 June Day 1 - 18 June Day 2 - 19 June Day 3 - 20 June Day 4 - 21 June Day 5 - 22 June Day 6 - 23 June Day 7 - 24 June Day 8 - 25 June Day 9 - 26 June Day 10 - 27 June Day 11 - 28 June

Thursday 23 June 2011


We've not given you pictures for a while, so here we are.

While we crossed the Old Severn Bridge we had some superb views. The bridge is very strange, in that it constantly vibrates with the traffic noise.
Through the Lake District we crossed over the Kirkstone Pass.

And today we arrived in Scotland.


  1. Hi All,
    It is very encouraging to see so many now posting on the blog and following the lad's adventureshere.

    Today was a very early start..Brekka at 06:30 and everyone was bright eyed and bushy...ooops don't need to speculate there! So they were off at 7:15 and the weather is looking nice. It is a clearish day with semi blue skies and a rather crisp westerly breeze. Our first ferry at 9:30 will take us from Ardrossen over to Arran and then a short coastal jaunt around the north east periphery to get a mid-day ferry from Lachranza back to the mainland before heading towards Oban.
    Yesterday included a super small road through rolling hills and pine forests which was brill. A few buzzards and swifts but no red squrrels yet.
    We came close to Loch Doone so I took a lookout for those famous dentists Ben Doone and Phil McCavity but they had done a runner.

    Its a hard life driving Ms Barbara but someone's got to do it. Must dash to get the 'nanas and pasties in. BFN Mike

  2. Forgot to say..Its day 7 so that makes it 3/4 of the way (tomorrow)...Yippee they are doing us proud and taking the grief from strained muscles well. More sleep might be handy but with a bit of luck we may sort some of that tonight. When I can get the photos off my camera I'll append a couple. Mike

  3. Well done guys - keep it going!
    A quick check on your progress is the first task of the day for many of us... well, after making sure the coffee is on.

    Enjoy the rest on the boat stages.

  4. Keep at it, hope the weather is kind.

    David M
