Introduction and Daily Route Links

Follow the progress of our team of 4 cyclists: Alastair Lefley, Paul Forshaw, Tom Forshaw and Wallace Ascham.

Day 0 - 17 June Day 1 - 18 June Day 2 - 19 June Day 3 - 20 June Day 4 - 21 June Day 5 - 22 June Day 6 - 23 June Day 7 - 24 June Day 8 - 25 June Day 9 - 26 June Day 10 - 27 June Day 11 - 28 June

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Arrive in Preston

Last night we finally arrived in Preston.

Injuries have slowed us slightly: Tom has very sore knees; I have a severe muscle pain behind the right knee.

I'm about to make a trip to a pharmacist. Hopefully with some drugs I'll be able to carry on.

Day 04 Tuesday started with a fantastic long downhill from Church Stretton to Shrewsbury followed by lots of easy flat riding all the way to Preston.

We are all agreed: the drivers in Cheshire are by far the worst we have come across. They are agressive, rude, cut you up, and are certainly not aware of cyclist. Perhaps today through Lancashire and Cumbria things will be better.


  1. You say 'the drivers in Cheshire are the worst'
    that's because they are all Professional Footballers or their WAGS.

    Alastair, when you get there, can you persuade the Scots to join in the Olympics?
    Perhaps its because they are so crap they are afraid they will not be selected anyway :-)

  2. Oh forgot to say in the last post about the Cheshire drivers
    - keep up the good work

    David M

  3. You can do without injuries..sorry to hear that; and that is before the mozzies kick in. I'm getting the choochoo today and will see you tonight. I have a good supply of oaty things but no Kendal mint cake yet. Today will be a tough one with the hills but I reckon you can congratulate yourselves when you have beaten the half way stage.

    Time for doing the blog is probably time you don't have but it is really appreciated as it keeps us all in touch. Keep on pedalling :-) Mike

  4. Keep going guys, today you hit the half way mark. Looking at the mao you've already achieved a huge amount.


  5. Sorry to hear about your injuries, sounds like you'll need some arnica cream as well as assos.

    Hope you enjoy a few beers with Mike.

    Frank & Sharon

  6. GPS tracker currently shows you on the M6! Maybe that could explain the drivers ...

    Awesome achievement already guys. Enjoying following your progress. Hope the injuries clear up.

    Keep on spinnin!


  7. Maybe Tom's knees would hurt less if he spent less time on them...

  8. ETA for the team is a long day: 9:30 but they are pedaling and had a lunch break near Windermere. I had a good train trip and all changes went to plan with me getting a taxi out to the meeting Prem Inn at J44 near the M6. It is a bit of a grey and wet day but fairly mild ( in my room). So Bee and Claire have updated me and we will all stay here before they return tomorrow. I am still testing the biscuits and mars bars for the guys as it will be a late meal and bed asap tonight. Lets hope the visit to the pharmacy is helping and that we might plan in a shorter day tomorrow if necessary to allow some recoup.
    Good to see people are using the blog, also the amount raised is amazing. More tomorrow..Mike

  9. Good going so far chaps!

    I wonder who the anonymous anti-jock is.... probably just some carrot-crunching, morris-dancing, southern, bed-wetting, shandy drinker ;O) I say "Trossachs" to him.

    Sorry to hear about the knee trouble. You could try moving the seat back a little and lowering it by 3-5mm. Also, stay off the big chainring for a couple of days.

    There's really only one more big hill and then you'll be cycling in a civilised country with proper towns like Drumnadrochit, Crianlarich and Auctermuchty.
